How to Find a Good Mentor?

When considering engaging a mentor, it’s a good idea to have some clarity before you:
First, evaluate your goal. Ask yourself why a mentor is needed? What do you expect the mentorship to accomplish?

If you are confident you need a mentoring, the next step would be to define the sort of mentoring that would work perfectly for you.

Find a good mentor, Find mentor that matches your needs
Find a good mentor

There are different types of Mentorships available such as:

Induction Mentor:

New joiners in an organization are provided this mentoring to assist them through the settling period.

Peer Mentoring:

Employees are provided with this sort of mentoring as they advance in their careers. The peers are mentoring each other in such fields as project management, etc.

Developmental mentoring:

This form of mentoring involves the synergy created between the mentor and mentee, leading to enhanced policies and action plans leading to private and professional achievement.

Build a connection with your mentor slowly when you are looking for mentorship. Get to know your mentor and spend time with him/her to see if the two of you are in a good atmosphere.

A prevalent error in the search for a mentor is that the mentees are restricted to seeking an executive in their particular area of concern.

A good mentor can provide the required advice regardless of his sector. A mentoring service is a voluntary service, not a paid service. It is suggested, however, that you give some sort of compensation that your mentor does not need to be financial.

As a mentee, one of the fundamental characteristics you need is that you should be an person who is willing to assist himself rather than expecting the mentor to do everything

The next question is “How to find a good mentor?”

The key to finding a good mentor is “Networking.”

Your Network

A good starting point could be your network.

Look for experts with specialist understanding of the topic in your region of concern. It might be quite awkward to have a mentor from your close group, though. But if you feel the mentor’s feeling of comfort, there’s no harm going forward.